On Wednesday, October 2, the Top of the World Jersey Sale was the first to drop the gavel of the week at World Dairy Expo. South Mountain Andreas Radical-ET topped the sale at $12,250
We are less than one month from opening the robots to the "feed only" phase to prepare for milking. We have had several meetings getting our minds right and schedules put together for the startup of our...
The Woodmansee family has been recognized as Premier Breeder at the Eastern States Exposition seven times since 1989. They have partnered on cattle that have won the New York Spring Show, Eastern Stat
The auction yard has long been a gathering place for those in production agriculture. Other than an obvious location to sell their livestock, it served as a meeting place for farmers
The breeding age heifer contributes greatly to the future success of a dairy. She can also be the source of lost opportunities. Joe Dalton, University of Idaho, addressed the importance of getting young...
So, you've got some great ideas about how to promote dairy products and dairy farming and you are ready to get involved, especially during June Dairy Month
Things are moving along on the farm. The concrete has been poured. All five of our robots have been set in place. The walls are beginning to go up on our building
The 10-year challenge that we all really should care about is a far cry from the viral 10-year challenge (#TenYearChallenge) that has taken over social media
Growing up and grocery shopping with my mom, I remember grabbing cheese, butter, cottage cheese, milk, and yogurt almost every time we went to the store
It doesn't really feel like spring has truly arrived yet. Here in the Northwest, we just enjoyed one of the wettest weeks of weather in a long time while the Midwest and East dealt with yet another dose...
I am a husband, father, and a friend every day — 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. No matter what I have or what I lose, I know exactly who I am and what my purpose is